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Samsung SyncMaster BX2240 54.6 cm (21.5″) 1920 x 1080 pixels Full HD Black

1.500,00 EGP

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Bullet Points Samsung SyncMaster BX2240 54.6 cm (21.5″) 1920 x 1080 pixels Full HD Black :

  • – 54.6 cm (21.5″)
  • – Full HD 1920 x 1080 pixels
  • – 5 ms 250 cd/m²
  • – 22 W
Long product name Samsung SyncMaster BX2240 54.6 cm (21.5″) 1920 x 1080 pixels Full HD Black :
21.5″ LED, 1920 x 1080Full HD, DVI, VGA, Black

Samsung SyncMaster BX2240 54.6 cm (21.5″) 1920 x 1080 pixels Full HD Black:

The Samsung BX2240 is a high performing monitor that is also eco – friendly. It accommodates both of these necessities while still looking stylish and sophisticated. The visual display will sweep you off your feet, with Mega Dynamic Contrast, and the custom choices will leave you feeling like a kid as you create your perfect monitor experience.

Perfect high speed performance

With a response time of 5ms, you can be sure that your monitor will perform perfectly, even in the fastest moving scenes. This stunning, seamless motion imaging presents movies, games, and internet streamed content with precision and without the motion judder, blurring, and ghosting that can occur on a slower monitor, allowing you to enjoy a completely immersive viewing experience.

Mega color, Mega contrast, Mega experience

There’s dynamic and then there’s Mega Dynamic. With an upgraded contrast ratio – the highest level of contrast ratio currently available – Samsung monitors deliver professional picture quality that makes colors more rich and real then you’ve dreamt possible. So real, you’ll see each eye-popping color and crystal-clear detail come to life right on your screen.

Save space. And the environment

Samsung’s ultra-slim LED monitors will revolutionize your personal computing environment while positively impacting the Earth’s environment. Halogen- and lead-free, recyclable and engineered to consume less power, Samsung monitors are decidedly more eco-friendly than conventional CCFL monitors. The innovative LED engineering also means they take up a lot less space and offer super-fast response times, ensuring that you get a more efficient and more enjoyable computing experience.

Conserves energy, preserves the environment

Engineered with the ecologically responsible homeowner in mind, the Samsung monitor reduces power consumption by 40%, making it much more efficient than conventional monitors. By reducing the number of LED and defaulting to standby power, which requires less than 0.3W as opposed to the typical 1.0W, the Samsung monitor is poised to make a difference. How big a difference? If your monitor saves 120W each day, that’s the annual equivalent of eliminating 10.8kg of CO2 emitted from an oil-burning power plant—which produces the same effect as planting four pine trees.

A monitor that takes the initiative to share

With Samsung’s Magic Return you never have to worry about your second monitor losing content. If the cable disconnects and the signal disappears, Magic Return automatically transfers the content from that screen to the other monitor before turning off. There’s no magic here. We just have content sharing down to a science.

Picture Perfection

HDCP, or High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection, is Samsung’s innovative way of protecting the integrity of the content that’s being transmitted to your monitor through the DVI interface. This naturally delivers the highest resolution images, allowing you to enjoy 100% pure digital content, all the time.

The Smart Size

Why should seeing the whole picture be a stretch, or for that matter, a distorted facsimile of the original? With Samsung’s intelligent adjustable image size function, you’ll be able to enjoy images exactly as they were intended, by portraying standard sized content in its original format, on a wider screen.

Goes Off by Itself

Samsung Monitors aren’t just high performers. They’re eco-friendly, efficiency experts as well. The automatic off timer allows users to save energy by setting the monitor to turn itself off at a specified time. As an added benefit, this ensures optimal performance for lasting reliability and extended life.

Control brightness, conserve energy

Magic Eco makes saving energy easy. It adjusts Samsung monitor’s brightness based on how much energy you want to save. You have four energy saving options to choose from: 100%, 75%, and 50% power consumption as well as ‘power saving off’. If Magic Eco is turned off, you still enjoy the option of using Samsung’s Magic Bright feature, engineered to let you manually adjust the screen’s brightness. Take the effort out of saving energy and take control with Magic Eco.

Reduce eyestrain. Enhance your viewing experience

How do you like to watch movies? Do you like lying down on the couch? Sitting in your favorite chair? Cooking or exercising? Whether you’re standing, sitting or lying down, Samsung’s Magic Angle makes sure that the movie always takes center stage. And that you’re always comfortable. Wherever you place the Samsung monitor, its 5-mode angle management allows you to extend its viewing angle so the screen always appears as if viewed face-on. So stop craning your neck and start enjoying the movie.

Feel the Effects of Color

Enhance images your way using Samsung’s advanced ColorEffect feature. Open your eyes to a completely customized viewing experience as you play with photographic effects that match your mood. Choose from Aqua, Sepia, Green and Grayscale to interact with your display in a whole new way – namely, yours.

Customise Your Control

Samsung’s innovative custom key feature puts enhanced entertainment at your fingertips. By allowing you to assign your favourite function to the custom key, advanced image interaction is made available at the touch of a button. Simply select from the MagicBright, MagicColour, Colour Effect and Image Size functions and enjoy quicker access to the function you need.

MagicBright 3
Control your screen’s display with just one click. MagicBright 3 automatically optimises brightness, contrast and gamma correction, based on the mode you choose.

Windows 7

The Samsung monitors have been tested to meet all of the technical requirements to be Compatible with Windows 7. Meets Windows Color System standards for consistent and accurate color across multiple mediums. Enjoy true to life color on your screen.

TCO 03

Satisfied Energy, Emission, Ecology and Ergonomics standards. The most strictest international safety standard for monitors.

TCO Display 5.0 certified

Meeting the strict environmental requirements of the TCO Display 5.0 standard, the Samsung monitors represent the cutting-edge of responsible design and manufacture, ensuring the health of both users and the planet.

Short summary description Samsung SyncMaster BX2240 54.6 cm (21.5″) 1920 x 1080 pixels Full HD Black:

Samsung SyncMaster BX2240, 54.6 cm (21.5″), 1920 x 1080 pixels, Full HD, LED, 5 ms, Black


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